
How To Add Photos To Showit Blog

Blog templates in Showit use unique settings and sections in order to be able to connect with a Wordpress blog and be used for your blog layout as a theme. You'll find details below on the following types of settings:

  • Text and Image Placeholders

  • Types of Wordpress Canvases

  • Canvas Settings for Growing Content

Blog pages need placeholders in the design in order for the blog to know where to place continually changing content in your layout.Text placeholders can be set for many different types of content including: Post Title, Post Date, Post Excerpt, Post Content.  You can read about all text placeholders in Wordpress Template Placeholder Fields

To Add a Text Placeholder

  1. Add a text box to your layout in the position and style format you want it to appear on the blog.
    Tip: We suggest including placeholder text inside of the box to see how a post title with a few lines or a post excerpt with a paragraph of text might appear.

  2. Assign a placeholder from the Text Properties > Wordpress Placeholder setting.

  3. For most placeholders, the text inside of the box will get replaced by the blog content when it's live on your blog. If the content is longer than your placeholder the text will wrap based upon the width of the text box. In some cases, you may decide to adjust the Text Overflow settings to Crop the text or set to display a Single Line.

Most photographers want a featured image shown for each blog post. To display that image from the post you can add any image to your design and then assign it as a featured image.

  1. Add an image to your layout.

  2. Make sure the image is placed in a canvas set to Wordpress: In Post Loop.

  3. Select your image and under the settings check the box Wordpress Featured Image.

Types of Wordpress Canvases

Wordpress template pages include an additional canvas setting that helps define the type of post content that your placeholders within a canvas will get replaced with.  The following settings will be detailed below:

  • Static Content

  • In Post Loop

  • Next Post Start

  • Posts View Lookup

Static Content

The Static Content setting will be the default for any new canvas placed on a blog template page.This setting is typically used for headers, footers, sidebar, pagination links (next/previous), comments & contact form canvases.

In Post Loop & Next Post Start

These two types of canvases are similar to each other with the primary being In Post Loop and Next Post Start only being used to tell Wordpress when to switch post information between other In Post Loop canvases.

In Post Loop will be used for canvases containing any standard post information such as: Post Title, Post Date, Post Categories, Post Tags, Post Excerpt & Post Content.  These canvases are automatically repeated on a Post List page.

If you are creating alternating post layouts (see image above) in a repeating post list you will also use Next Post Start to let Wordpress know when it should switch post information when replacing placeholders in the design.  Next Post Start should always be followed by another In Post Loop canvas as shown in the screenshot above.

Posts View Lookup

This type of canvas is used to display a selection of posts determined by date, category, or tag.  You can read more about using this type of canvas in Create a Featured/Recent Posts Section

Canvas Settings for Growing Content

Since your design is created to hold post content that will dynamically change, your design must also be set up to flex based upon the information that gets placed into your design.

Grow With Content Canvas Type

This canvas type will automatically expand its height to accommodate the content that is being loaded into the placeholders.  This is especially useful for canvases containing placeholders like Post Title, Post Excerpt, Post Content, Comments, Comment Form, Next/Previous Post.

Tip: This setting is independent for Mobile and Desktop layouts so be sure to check the setting on both.

If a canvas is growing with content you may also make use of Vertical Locking if an object needs to remain at the bottom of a canvas.

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How To Add Photos To Showit Blog


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