
How To Unlock Iphone With Camera

iPhone camera accessed by lock screen

Ever since Apple redesigned the iOS lock screen to remove swipe-to-unlock and require users to press the Home push instead, some iPhone users have discovered that accessing the Camera from the lock screen might exist a challenge. The potentially difficult scenario is this; if you press the Home button to show the locked display which you would then swipe to access the iPhone Camera from, pressing the Habitation push besides unlocks the iPhone and skips the lock screen with the camera access. I recently ran into someone who was convinced this set of actions meant their iPhone lock screen camera wasn't working or no longer existed, and then the beliefs can lead to some caste of confusion every bit well.

Fortunately at that place's a improve mode to access the iPhone photographic camera from the lock screen in iOS ten and newer, and it doesn't involve using the Home button at all.

This is going to require you to change your habit a flake, and when y'all want to apply the camera on iPhone from the lock screen, you'll exist pressing the power button rather than pressing the Home button (which unlocks the iPhone rather than show the lock screen).

1: Press the LOCK / Ability push to show the iPhone lock screen

Don't press the Habitation push, since that is going to attempt to unlock the screen. Instead, make it the habit of pressing the Ability button to simply evidence the screen instead.

Press Home button to show lock screen

Alternatively, you can utilise Raise to Wake to show the lock screen on iPhone instead.

2: Now swipe to access the Camera from the Lock Screen on iPhone as usual

In one case the iPhone screen is visible, perform the usual swipe-to-access camera gesture.

Swipe down to access camera from lock screen

3: Success! Camera has been opened from iPhone lock screen without unlocking the iPhone

Now yous're in the photographic camera and set to take pictures, from the lock screen. Fast and easy.

Lock screen camera on iPhone accessed

Hooray! Now you have accessed the iPhone camera from the lock screen, without having to press the Home push button which also unlocks the iPhone to send y'all to the Home Screen.

Aye this requires changing your iPhone usage habits slightly, information technology'due south mostly getting used to pressing the Lock / Power button instead of the Habitation button to prove the brandish. But in one case you lot get accustomed to the change, this is now the fastest way to access the iPhone camera. If you're more verbally inclined, you lot can too get to the iPhone camera without ever touching the screen by using Siri instead too.

Even now that it has been released for quite some fourth dimension, some iPhone and iPad users might continue to struggle with the redesigned lock screen in iOS, former habits are hard to suspension sometimes. If you fall into that grouping, you tin disable Press Home to Unlock in iOS and disable widgets on the lock screen in iOS which might be helpful, and though that won't offering a return of the iconic slide-to-unlock action, information technology could make the lock screen a little less confusing for some users.

Don't forget you can also disable the iPhone camera completely including the lock screen camera if you want too besides.


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