
Lightworks Speed Up A Section

Lightworks v14 Speed: Fast Motion / Slow Motion. How to Change Speed of a Clip Lightworks 2018

lightworks speed up clip This is a topic that many people are looking for. is a channel providing useful information about learning, life, digital marketing and online courses …. it will help you have an overview and solid multi-faceted knowledge . Today, would like to introduce to you Lightworks v14 Speed: Fast Motion / Slow Motion. How to Change Speed of a Clip Lightworks 2018. Following along are instructions in the video below:

"Everybody in this video. I m going to show you how to do slow motion motion in fast motion in light works. So i have two videos. I have this who is going at a million miles an hour.

I m gonna put him in slow motion and in this video. I have a butterfly that is just drinking some sweet sweet nectar and i m gonna move him into fast motion well let s start with the butterfly that has a dd. We are going to simply position the playhead over the clip. We want to change the speed of right click under segmented commands you go to speed and right here you have some presets.

I can do 200 and 50. I can select one of those or i can type my own setting under 30 and right now this is set to resize well we re gonna click do it in the clip just you know resize so what happened was as the clip is now 30. The speed so it needs to be longer to make up for that slow motion effect. So now when we play it you can see he s moving in superduper.


Slow motion well get those the wings look wavy alright. So so now. Let s undo that by clicking undo. And we will make him 100.

Again. A matter of fact before i do that let me turn down the audio. And yes. The audio will change speed with the clip.

So it ll you know have that slow motion audio sound okay well now let s right click go to speed. I m gonna put him at 50 and instead of resize i m gonna click you can click keep start frame keep and praying but keep current frame while does 2 to keep start frame and we ll hit do it now the clip did not get longer so what happened was instead of getting longer to accommodate. The added length of the clip since you re slowing it down the end part of the clip. Just got truncated off the video.


So this clip is actually half as long now so the those are your two options you can click resize. Which if you do 50 will double the length of the clip or you can click one of those other options to truncate the second half of the clip. If you did 50 or so to keep the clip. The same length let s move on to fast motion you can see this guy slowly drinking from that flower.

We re gonna right click. We re gonna go to speed and this time instead of doing a slow motion. We re gonna do a fast motion. I ll do 400 and i will do resize click do it and now the clip just got a lot shorter of course because now it s a lot faster and my computer s not gonna play it right because it doesn t have a video card.

But you get the general picture. Now what we re gonna do is i m going to undo that bring it back to its original speed. I ll right click its speed. I will do 400 and this time i ll do keep start frame.


So the clip will not resize instead of resizing since this is a lot quicker now. It s just gonna cut into the next shot. So the next shots included the shot after that will be included as well so it s just gonna play through all the clips. Because you kept it at its current size rather than resizing.

It to accommodate the speed difference and of course those other options of ours do the booth 400. These other options are the same thing. So. This one is keeps a start frame well.

If you did this one it would truncate the first half of the clip and keep the end frame. And if you did this with truncate probably the second half and keep the current frame that this is at so we ll do 25 make it slow. I m going to keep it at current frame. And you know i m not quite sure what that did but it truncates the video to keep it the proper length rather than extending the clip.


This will keep it in the same length. So you can fit into the same spot in a timeline. If you do it that way and of course like i said. Before you can also choose resize and just let the clip get bigger or smaller to accommodate the speed difference that you re putting into it.

So. That s really all you have to do to change the speed of a clip and light works. It s as simple as that " ..


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Lightworks Speed Up A Section


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